Terms of service.


Plants are living beings, unique and one of kind. Temperamental delicate and hardly alike. Our weather conditions, change of climate, and traumatizing shipping process. Shipping in midst of winter to the scorching summer, Every plant package is shipped with many different safety precautions in mind.

It is not within our control their reaction to shipping stress. The plant community understands and accepts conditions to rehab each plant from Shipping Stress. We provide SUPERTHRIVE fertilizer pellets to boost the NPK as it bounces back after such a journey to acclimatize to its newest environment.

Providing 48 hours of rehab time is vital for success. Let your plant adjust to new humidity levels, ambient temperature, and new lighting conditions. Try to not disturb the roots in moss. Placing a new plant stressed from shipping directly in wet soil can cause shock.

Rule #1 All live plant sales are final. No refunds, No returns, No exchanges. Each plant is as unique as its shipping journey and aclimatizing process. If there is a problem in your order, please reach out within 48 hours so we have the opportunity to aid.

Rule #2 we reserve the right to cancel any order at our discretion. Buyers on “do not sell“ list or black listed buyers from Facebook pages as scammers & problematic.

Rule #3 If you receive your package, send us picture or video within 48 hours of delivery. We cannot help you, if you don’t tell us.

Rule #4 Be Kind. Don’t be an asshole.