Anthurium care


Anthurium care can be very daunting. The trick I always find is balance. They are mid everything. Mid to low lighting is deal. The darker the leaf the more shade they need. 3 feet from grow lights or 6 feet from a sunny window. Humidity is also mid. They love 45%-65% level humidity but they don’t like their leaves to stay wet. Air flow allows them to have humidity without sitting water on the leaves. Watering schedules are also very balanced. Many keep anthuriums in soil-less mixtures. Soil-less mixtures contain Coco husk chips, sphagnum moss, perlite, pumice stones, orchid bark, and charcoal. They stay moist but very airy substate. Orchid pots with a lot of ventilations holes is my preference. Leca is also a proven substrate great for anthuriums. Anthuriums are so exciting as they tend to be statement pieces in most collections. Yellowing leaves or burnt edges happen when one of your care techniques is off balanced. They are very hardy plants. Don’t be to scared to chop off yellowing leaves and wait for new growth. The plant can use its energy towards new growth instead of trying to save the yellowing leaf.

I love when a new leaf emerges so tiny. As the leaves harden off they expand and size up quickly.

Anthurium also commonly flower after they reach maturity. Cross pollination is so exciting, production of a whole new batch of seedlings to share in the Marketplace. Seedlings allow you to quadruple your anthurium collection. Trading and collecting seedlings as your grow your collections.


Humidity Matters


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